COOPLIFE Insurance - Recorded its highest no. of Million Dollar Round
Table achievers
with the first ever
COT achiever, since inception,
Mr. W. Ranasinghe
Managing Director - CoopLife Insurance
Colombo, Sri Lanka, January 10th, 2022: COOPLIFE Insurance makes its history with an all-new
record of Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) qualifiers to achieve with the first ever Court of
the Table (COT) achiever in its history of 23 years, 11 MDRT including 01 COT qualifier for the
year 2021. The Company is moving forefront in terms of new business generation in life insurance
over the past couple of years.
MDRT is a global, independent association of the world’s leading life insurance and financial
services professionals with 66,000 members in 72 countries from more than 500 of the world’s
leading companies. MDRT focuses on networking, education, personal and professional growth,
adhering to ethical standards and outstanding client service. Members must meet strict
requirements for membership, including satisfying certain levels of production, and must
re-apply for membership annually to ensure they continue to meet MDRT standards. Court of the
Table and Top of the Table membership allows members to access the highest level of member
benefits and recognition exclusively for them. Therefore, the next milestone of the company is
to produce its first Top of the Table achiever in near future.
“Professional development through dedication” is no doubt the cornerstone of our sales force
advancement. We invest significantly on human development and its digitization which believes to
be the leading-edge in continuous improvement of the business.
Customer-centricity is our main concern of everything we do, and it makes our team demonstrate
the highest levels of integrity and competency. It makes me immensely proud to have such a
synergic Team of COOPLIFE, which would recognize to be a leading force in spreading the message
of life insurance to every nook and corners of the Island with a broad vision of uplifting the
life standards of general public rather than being a corporate citizen with profit motive before
This prestigious achievement comes hot on the heels of a fruitful year for CoopLife Insurance
amidst the pandemic situation and the economic down turn since 2020 which devastated the country
in all terms. The Company also recorded a tremendous growth rate of 18% in long term new
business category despite the recession recorded in all means of economic activities in the
Reflecting more on the hardships of the previous year, – as the Managing Director of CoopLife,
further commented, “Nurturing the lives of our customers as a 100% Sri Lankan owned company, we
continue to be strived to ensure that each stakeholder is given the supreme service that they
truly deserve with a significant penetration across urban, semi-urban and moreover the rural
outfit of the country”.
COOPLIFE Insurance is a fully owned subsidiary of Cooperative Insurance Company Ltd, an emerging
general insurance provider with innovative prices to address all sections of the society.
Cooperative Insurance Company has won many local and international awards to accredit and
recognize for the service excellence in terms of innovation and market penetration, which truly
bolsters to make an “Initial Public Offering” as a listed company at Colombo Stock Exchange in
the month of December, where the call for interest was concluded with an overwhelming response
from the investors as a part of general public of the nation
In the journey towards empowering the Sri Lankan Dream, CoopLife Insurance offers Life Insurance
solutions that cover education, health, investment, protection, and retirement needs of Sri
Lankans. With 57 branches and 100 service centers across the Island and an over 750 - strong
workforce, CoopLife Insurance continues nurturing the lives of the people, products, and
processes with a customer-centric focus to be responsive to emerging changes in the Life
Insurance industry